Mary McLeod Bethune!

                 Mary's Conflict and Compromise.

 Mary's Conflict was that she could only go to a one room school. She couldn't go to a large school with a lot of children. She took the only opportunity she had to at least get some kind of education.(Presbyterian Mission School) Her compromise was that she worked extra hard to maintain a good average. In result of working hard, she got scholarship to  Scotia Seminary. It is a school for was African Aerican young women in Concord, N.C.After a while she graduated in 1893, where she met a lot of new friends.  After she graduated from Scotia Seminary she went to Moody Bible Institute. She couldn't achieve her dream to become a missionary in Africa. When she was at the Moody Bible Institute she realized that she wanted to become a missionary in Africa. She then taught at the Presbyterian Mission School in Mayesville in 1896, and then she was an instructor at Haines Institute in Augusta  Georiga. (1896-1897) In 1897-1998 she instructed again at Kindell Institute in Sumpter S.C. During that time Matry met her husband Albert Bethune. Mary started her career and used a 2 story building in Daytona Florida. While she was there she was working on a project to make her own school for African American girls. Finally her school opened in October 1904.  Sadly only six people showed up at the school. Five girls and her son attended the new school. Bethune's school wasn't furnished that well, she used crates as desks, charcoal as pencils and ink from berries. Then she figured out that the name was the Daytona Literacy and Industrial School for Training Negro Girls. At that period, most children couldn't even go to school. Mary has had many jobs, sha has worked as educator, janitor, and administrator. Later Bethune found people who were willing to work for the school. She and her new employees baked  and cooked to sell to people so they could afford supplies for the school. In 1923 Mary's school broke out in Jacksonville, Florida. There was also a school for boys. (I guess so the girls didn't have to be the smart ones) The new school was known as the Bethune-Cookman Collegiate Institute. Soon it was called the Bethune-Cookman College. Before retiring Bethune was a president/principle of her college in 1942. In 1955 the college has a staff over 100 and over 1000 pupils! As you can see, Mary proceeded her dreams no matter how hard it got. She didn't let the words of people get her down she held her head high and reached her goal!!! This caption is so long because Mary is a very intruiging woman who fought (not physically mentally) to pursue her dreams. That is what is so important about this woman!